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My 13 Year Old Daughter is a Better American than I Am
Today was the 4th of July, and right now I’m sitting in my kitchen at the end of the day, everyone else asleep, surrounded by the leftover y

Vikings Would Have Enslaved White Supremacists
Recently, deep in the comments on my Facebook page someone wondered what Viking Age Scandinavians would have thought about white...

Some Thoughts on #BlackPanther with a Side Dish of Hegel
Stemming from a Conversation with my Friend Carlos Brown After Seeing the Film Together. SPOILER ALERT Also, I originally wrote this in...

NY Times says MMA Fighter Pummels T'ai Ch'i Master and I'm Like... meh
I don't think that's a real martial art, dude. A recent NY Times article complete with video tells us that China recently lost its...

Futuristic Materials in Club Anyone (or Why my Transparent Aluminum is Better than Yours)
Club Anyone is set in the world of Interface Zero, approximately 75 years in the future. Space travel is routine, if expensive, and for...

When Encouragement is Not So Encouraging
I often hear or read authors and other creatives offering encouragement to those who are not (yet) actively creating. "Try!" they...

Call Me Superstitious, O Muse
All my best writing sessions have one thing in common – I recited these little pieces before diving in: Dante Alighieri, in Canto II of...

Non-Fiction I'm Enjoying, and You Might Too
I love’s me some non-fiction. These are a few books that rocked me world. I thought you might enjoy them as well. As you can see, most...

How to Be Creative or Why Hugh Rocks
How to Be Creative is inspirational, motivational, and free (Hugh MaCleod, the fellow who made it, wants to share). Send it to all your...

King Gargothakon Must Die
King Gargothakon Must Die Playing with my daughter, Kaylie (6), my son Malcom (3), and their friend Faith (7) today. Kaylie decided to...
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