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Others' Kind Words About My Words

Snows of an Early Winter

"...a model of a non-linear scenario driven by investigator actions."

Dan Harms

Snows of an Early Winter

"...modern, non-linear Cthulu of the highest quality."


Snows of an Early Winter

" of the best ties they have had gaming. Those who enjoy Lovecraft will eat up the absolute dread presented in every encounter..."

Nathan Collins (RPGNow)

Snows of an Early Winter

"...a fantastic modern adventure!"

Siegfried Trent

Razor Coast

"...this thing is a masterpiece. It is full of great ideas, interesting PCs, tons of plots and subplots, heroes, villains..."

Obiri (Roll for Initiative)

Razor Coast

"...full of iconic encounters, compelling characters and superbly dark, gritty, nail-biting climaxes. The writing is superb and just glorious..."


Razor Coast

“I'm really impressed...and frankly I think this should be a model for how campaign arcs should be devised from here on out."

Neuroglyph (EN World)

Razor Coast

“...a rich, fun, dark and at times downright evil setting that oozes unique style and flair, provides superb writing, ideas galore...”


Razor Coast

“...the pinnacle of d20-based adventure design...It's a sandbox. It's a fully-realized epic campaign. It's determined by player initiative. It's got tons of options and complexities... everyone wins.”

Admiral Iron.Bombs

Razor Coast

“State of the Art in adventure design.”


Fire As She Bears

“...a guaranteed treat for Pathfinder players who want to add some detailed high seas adventures to their campaign...this is one book that could easily launch a thousand ship-born enjoy!”

Neuroglph (EN World)

Fire As She Bears

“...easy to grasp... borders on brilliant...naval combat has never worked so smoothly, so seamlessly... the perfect blend of options, solid rules, toolkit... belongs in the library of each and every DM... a superb offering...”


Fire As She Bears

“Finally! Ship to ship combat that can work...I am impressed!”


Heart of the Razor

“...four modules by masters of their craft - and I don't use that lightly - and all four are killer....”


The Bloody Fix

“...just plain awesome! Better than cupcakes!”

Prashant Panavalli

Citadel of Pain

“...rivals the strange societies of China Mièville in imaginative potential and iconic quality...”


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