How to Be Creative or Why Hugh Rocks

How to Be Creative is inspirational, motivational, and free (Hugh MaCleod, the fellow who made it, wants to share). Send it to all your friends (better yet, send all your friends here) who need to hear “the Word”. As long as you change nothing, you are not violating Hugh’s copyrights.
That said, if you take the time to download this, watch it and reflect on it, then I do not think you will be quite the same person afterwards. Your energy levels, your excitement, and your creative productivity will most certainly take a big jump.
Just click this link to download: How to Be Creative. And please share it on.
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Lou is an Ennie award-winning game designer and author of Club Anyone, a neonpunk novel set in the acclaimed Interface Zero game world, coming soon from WordFire Press. Words Like Bullets is his blog on writing, the writing life, and what's new with Lou. You can receive these blog posts direct to your inbox by subscribing to Lou News or just learn more about Lou at